Redenlab appoints eminent statistician Prof Geoff Stuart to lead its Statistics team

Dr Stuart recently joined the Redenlab analytics team as Statistics Director. Geoff will be running the company’s clinical trials statistics program and data analytics development. He brings expertise in mathematical statistics and a background in experimental psychology.
Prof. Geoff Stuart holds a Ph.D in experimental psychology from Monash University, Australia. He has extensive experience as a research statistician and cognitive scientist. He was formerly the Senior Biostatistician at the Mental Health Research of Victoria and was the lead neuroimaging methodologist at the Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre. His research interests include the neuropsychology of psychosis, dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders as well as fundamental research in visual and auditory attention, visual and auditory perception, human factors, and quantitative methods. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Cognitive Science at Macquarie University, Australia.