Redenlab’s guidance on minimizing risk to patients and staff during speech recordings
Clinical trials continue to recruit and test subjects, even during pandemics. COVID-19 has been challenging for many CROs and Trial Sponsors determined to maintain the quality and consistency of data collected during assessments. Use of personal protective equipment poses additional challenges as face masks can directly interfere with the quality of speech. Redenlab have worked with expert clinicians, collaborators and customers to provide some guidance on continuing data collection during COVID-19. Below are some recommendations on minimizing the likelihood of contamination during assessments and suggested processes for disinfecting equipment after every use. To reduce risk, Redenlab recommends assessors wear masks throughout the assessment, the microphone’s metal surfaces are sanitized between subjects, and all windscreens are washed at the end of each use. For more information, contact us on
The CADN is a reliable, valid, brief, quantifiable, and easily deployed assessment of swallowing in neurodegenerative disease. CADN comprises two parts, an anamnesis (part one) and consumption (part two). CADN has 11 items and can be administered and scored in an average of 7 min. Cutoff scores were identified that signal the presence of clinically meaningful dysphagia symptomatology and risk of aspiration.