The FA App

Friedreich ataxia (FA) is a progressive, genetically inherited multisystem disease that affects children and adults. FA leads to significant changes to an individual’s ability to walk, talk, eat and drink.
The FA App is a malleable, multimodal, integrative platform that helps patients, scientists, clinicians and the community to engage with the global FA community. Scientists can promote studies, recruit participants and collect data within the app. Patients can see what researchers are doing around the world and interact with researchers and fellow FAers.
Redenlab have created a seamless connection for the FA App to collect meaningful speech outcomes within any study on the platform. An example of this work can be seen in a study run by Drs Ian Harding and Louisa Selvadurai of Monash. The study explores cognition and communication in people with FA, with data providing a better understanding of the feasibility of behavioural data collected in the home and the stability of thinking skills and speech over time.
For more details on the FA app, click here.